By snowmobile

Ice Hole Fishing


Ice fishing is one of the village’s favourite winter activities. It is exciting and at the same time relaxing to lie on a reindeer skin on the ice in the blue hour, while you look down into the fishing hole and wait to spot the big fish. The trip starts from the Thon hotel where guests are given winter clothes. We drive 2 people per snowmobile and the trip goes to one of the many good ice fishing lakes we have in Kautokeino. In the lavvu, we warm ourselves around the fire while guests are served coffee and cake. It is also possible to pre-order Sami food.

Good to know:

The average temperature in winter is around -20 degrees. In Kautokeino, you can still experience lower temperatures against -45 degrees. Recommended clothing is therefore warm outerwear, woollen underwear, woollen socks, mittens, scarf, hat and good winter shoes.

Outerwear included in price

Duration: 3-4 hours
Available period/opening hours: December/January – 1 May
Guide language: Norwegian, Sami and English
Size of group: 6 – 25 people
Organiser: Hätta’s experiences
Distance from Thon hotel: 10 km
Price: Drive your own snowmobile for 2 people

NOK 2,100 per person
Sit comfortably in the sled behind the scooter

NOK 1,700 per person

Serving Sami food: NOK 245 per person

Contact us for further information